Our Services

Tailored Wealth Management Aligned with Your Dreams and Aspirations

Bigger, Bolder Retirement

We believe everyone deserves a bigger, bolder retirement and that’s why we’ve put careful thought into the services we offer.

We recognize that not everyone has the same goals or timeline, nor do they require the same level of support or service. That’s why instead of offering a single service model or a minimum asset level like most other firms, we offer several different service models to help better align your needs, resources, and time frame with the services, tools, and talents of a trusted, well established wealth management firm.

A one-size-fits-all service model simply doesn’t benefit everyone equally. Explore your options and discover what makes the most sense for your unique needs.

Your Trusted Fiduciary Partner: Putting Your Best Interests First

We are our clients’ trusted confidants, counselors, and unbiased sounding boards.  

At Kaydan, we’re not just fiduciaries – we’re your proactive advocates. We anticipate your needs, addressing potential concerns you might not even know exist. As confidants, we go beyond advice; we’re dedicated to guiding you through financial complexities with transparency and care. Whether it’s comprehensive planning, investments, or retirement, our client-centric approach ensures your financial journey is backed by our proactive knowledge. We’re not just here to help; we’re here to empower, advocate, and lead you towards success.

Service Models

Diverse Service Models for Your Unique Goals

Wealth Management

Home, Work, Resources, & Life

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Portfolio Management

Low-Cost, Low-Touch

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Wealth Coaching

Subscription-Based Wealth Management

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Financial Insights

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