What do people fear the most in retirement? Running out of money.

What variable has the largest impact on whether or not you will outlive your income? Life expectancy. 

According to the Social Security Administration, a man who reaches the age of 65 today, is expected to live until he is 84 years old?* Add three years to that for the average woman. Plus, 25% of all 65-year-olds will live past 90 and 10% will live beyond 95. That’s the potential for a 30-year retirement!

It’s a touchy subject, but a life expectancy analysis is one of the best ways you can help ensure you don’t outlive your hard-earned income so you can maintain a comfortable lifestyle and have choices in retirement. But where do you begin? Unfortunately, estimating longevity is not even close to an exact science. Traditionally, financial advisors rely on actuarial tables for the best estimate. However, with life expectancy increasing practically every year, the mortality tables may no longer be enough…

To help increase the success of your retirement plan and accurately estimate your life span, you’ll want to have an honest discussion with your financial advisor around subjects like your medical history, family history, and lifestyle habits.

The following are some questions you may want to think about.

Medical and Family History

Lifestyle Habits

Obviously, no one knows for sure how long you will live. But discussing these questions and comparing your answers to actuarial tables certainly can provide the best possible estimate and increase your probability of a successful retirement plan. Plus, once you know “your number,” you can get back to planning (or enjoying) all of the fun stuff you’ve envisioned yourself doing for so many years.

To discuss your longevity and better understand how it aligns with your existing retirement plan, give us a call at 810-593-1624 to talk with one of our financial advisors or schedule an appointment here.

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