Category: Commentary

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THE MARKETS Vaccine can be a powerful word. It’s worth 14 points in Scrabble (42 on...

THE MARKETS It’s said markets hate uncertainty, but that wasn’t the case last week. Despite tremendous...

THE MARKETS Last week, financial markets and economic data told very different stories. Reviewing economic data...

THE MARKETS Stimulus talks led investors in a merry dance last week. So far in 2020,...

2020: a global pandemic, a steep recession, emotional protests, and a heated election. Is it 2021...

THE MARKETS It was a turbulent week for investors. Waves of positive and negative news buffeted...

THE MARKETS Yes. No. Maybe? Markets were sharply focused on the status of stimulus last week....

THE MARKETS Last week, the third quarter of 2020 came to an end – and the...

THE MARKETS For four weeks, the U.S. stock market has sparked and sputtered like a campfire...

THE MARKETS Investors weren’t happy with central banks last week. After the Federal Open Market Committee...

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